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The Toy List
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Time Machines

These vehicles are rather different from the NicMachines. They're larger, for one, and battery powered. If you connect a Space Traveler to the rail of a battery powered Time Machine, the head will glow.

Time Machine 1

This is hands down the strangest of all the Timanic vehicles, resembling a deranged mechanical bug with two feelers to each side and a long proboscis in the front. Of all the vehicles, this is the only one that is motorized. The round ball in the back contains a set of motorized wheels that send this baby rolling. To attach the figure, you must remove his arms and legs.

Time Machine 2

I would swear that this vehicle was made by completely different designers than the rest of the toy line. Why? Because it looks like a normal race car. It is battery powered, so the figure will light up, but no motor. To attach the figure you have to remove his legs.


Read More
· Space Travelers
· NicMachines
· Time Machines

Related Toys
· Micronauts
· Metalman

· Micropola